Taking back the reins

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged (I’ve said this a few times now!). I’ve kinda been muddling along… no major injuries, but no major improvements with my back either. Just struggling (or hobbling) along! Everytime I get into a good routine with my exercise – which leads to less back pain, something happens which…

This year so far… |Home ed diaries

I’m probably going to be posting monthly diaries of what we’ve been up to,  but first I thought I’d do a little recap of some of what we’ve done so far this year… In January we went to a special Meccano day at Abbey Pumping station… We went to The Big Bang Fair last month…

Our home ed life!

The more I get asked about home education,  the more I realise how attitudes are changing.  Ten plus years ago when we made the decision to home ed our then baby, pretty much everyone thought we were crazy! We were mostly met with negative comments telling us our daughter would end up an uneducated recluse!…

Fitness Update!

Its been a while since I’ve posted a fitness update… Theres been some ups and millions of downs (or so it feels! )… but I finally feel I’m in a place where I’m getting answers (tests, results or diagnoses) to my problems. I’m also learning and understanding more and more what works for my body…

Vegan Ginger Cake

Ginger cake is a big favourite at Christmas time so I wanted to come up with a tasty vegan ginger cake to have over the holidays. After a few attempts I came up with this! This recipe is super easy to make and has a lovely rich ginger taste without being too overpowering.  As it…

My first DIY upcycle project

We’re in the process if redecorating my sons room. Im going with a superhero theme…. if you know my son, you’ll know why! I wanted this to be a budget project amd cost as little as possible. My sons room is tiny and the wardrobe in his room fits perfectly.  So instead of searching the…

Time to stop pretending

I came across the article above on Facebook last night. This speaks to me on so many levels. I don’t know why people in pain pretend so much.

Avocado smoothie- 3 ways

The thought of avocado in smoothie always seemed abit strange to me. Avocado should be in salads, or made into guacamole,  right? It wasnt until I followed the Jason Vale 28 day juice fast that I took the plunge. Not only do avocados give a lovely creamy texture to smoothies, and can be used in…

It is real!

These last few weeks have been tough. I didn’t want to come on here and write a depressing post,  but the reality has been quite depressing actually. My limited eating has made exercising impossible some days. I have no energy and my muscles are constantly aching. No exercise equals back pain.  Back pain equals back…

Quick and easy storage boxes

My house seems to be getting smaller and smaller as our kids get bigger. Isn’t it amazing how they accumulate so much stuff!? I’m constantly looking for good storage ideas, and wanted to share this quick find with you. This is a really quick, easy and frugal way to make some storage boxes. I actually…

Chocolate Milk Recipe

I made this recipe today with my son and the kids loved it! Its quick and easy to make and a great way to sneak in some healthy ingredients!  I’ve had a jar of tahini in the house for a ages.  It’s a great source of protein,  B vitamins, vitamin E, iron and calcium. But,…

Still at it!

Although I haven’t really been posting much lately, I’m very much still on this journey. Its been an interesting time. At the moment I’m still continually adjusting to life with an injured back, trying to figure out what I can do without overdoing it. As much as I want to do ‘everything’ I still have…